About Psych-K

PSYCH-K is a simple process that consists of muscle testing and whole brain integration exercises that lead to a powerful life. 

Your brain is like a computer and it can be reprogrammed to change your perceptions around life.
If you’re feeling any physical or emotional symptoms, this is your body and brain giving you messages. I help guide you to connect within, in order to be & love your best balanced self!
Beliefs: Our brains are not fully developed until the age of seven. During this time, we learn by absorbing and copying everything we observe around us. Our understanding of the world is formed at this time, including beliefs about relationships with loved ones, food, money, and everything else we absorb from culture and society. These beliefs are embedded in our subconscious and ultimately form our behaviours.
Epigenetics: it’s clear now that we are not bound by our genes. This is an old school medical model that is now rebuked but not widely known. While we are born with our genes their expression can be turned on or off depending on environmental factors. If you’re feeling stuck or helpless, know that your genes can be turned on and off, and you have the ability to shift your life.
PSYCH-K® is a process that specifically addresses epigenetic changes that allow the cell to no longer respond in the same old, habitual and reactive manner of the past.
PSYCH-K® works as a kind of ‘mental keyboard’ — a user-friendly method of communicating with the subconscious mind that is simple, direct, and verifiable. When you learn to rewrite the software of your mind, you can change the blueprint of your life!

If your conscious mind still needs more science to understand the process or you’re just obsessed with the process and a psychology geek like me, there are some brilliant resources below.